
Hi minecraft players!
This page is english guide of AKAISHI SERVER!


  • We do not expect our harass, trolling, spam.
  • The using of strip mining in the mining area.
  • You must not monopolize the items. Only the necessary items.(*1)
  • You can build in the build area.(*2) And the mining is prohibited.
  • Be sure to “tag” your work. (details…)
  • Do not create a very-high-load redstone circuit.
  • Boss is a rule!

(*1) You can use the shared items. And please share the surplus items.
(*2) There is a reserved area. You look for a blank space.


Attention! You need is add in white list.

Please register to this site. Add to white list automatically. And you can use the forums.

Breakdown list of worlds



Where is the “resource world”?
From Link world to Resource world
Where gate of “Link world”?
Position x136, y67. from residence world.
Where it is building a house of “residence world”?
The building to the side of the road if there is a vacant lot.
I can build the basement?
Yes, you can dig down for build.